Friday, 4 November 2011

Apricot Jewel

We are so thrilled to announce that we have now registered "Apricot Jewel" with the RHS registry.  See the photo in the last post.  If you would like more information about this martagon please contact us at

Monday, 3 October 2011

This may be a "dream" come true.

We have sent off the paperwork today to RHS in England to register this beautiful martagon.  It has been growing in our yard for several years and we are finally taking the steps to register it. It is a strong grower and we have several bulbs of it.  We'll let you all know once it is registered. 

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Martagon Season is Too Short

Here are some of the last martagon seedlings in flower in the yard.  Considering all the miserable weather that we have had our martagons were still able to put on quite a show.  Just sad that it is almost over for this year.

But the good news is that the asiatics are putting on a very lovely show now.  Some of the daylilies are starting to bloom as well. 


Tuesday, 19 July 2011

North American Lily Show

We have just arrived back from the North American Lily Show in Burlington, Ontario.  We had a wonderful time there.  It was interesting to see so many stems at the show, and so many different kinds of lilies that we just can't grow here.  The tours were great, and it was fun to meet other lily enthusiasts from across Canada and the United States.  These are photos taken this morning from our yard.  As you can see our martagons are in full bloom right now.  We will be hosting an open garden on Sunday July 24.  By then, we hope the martagons will still be blooming and more of our asiatics will be open.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Results from Alberta Martagon Show

 What an exciting weekend!  Bryan was up with the birdies on Saturday July 2 (4:30 a.m.) loading his 25 stems into the truck to head for Edmonton.  The previous night he was busy selecting the stems, checking for uniformity, good leaves, blooms just opening, all the necessary traits for award winning stems.  They had to be cut and cleaned (no one wants to see spiderwebs) and placed in his specially created containers ready for transport.  Once loaded it was off to the Devonian Gardens.  The stems then are placed in special vials, last minute cleaning is done, then they are labeled and placed on the judging tables.  Lot's to do from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. then that 2 hour wait while the judges do their work.
All told, there were 127 stems at the show placed by 12 exhibitors from various locations around Alberta.

Once the judging is finished, all the exhibitors check out their stems to see how they faired.

Bryan received 5 first place awards, 3 second place awards and 3 third place awards.  This was enough to award him the Gold Sweepstakes.

Also, this photo shows one of his first place stems that was then judged to be The Best Alberta Bred Martagon of the show.

The following photos were Bryan's other winning stems at the show.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Spring has Sprung

Martagons are finally starting to open. We are hoping to have a few to take to the Devonian Gardens this weekend for the Alberta Lily show.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Welcome to the Lilies of Martagon Place blog!

Hi Everyone,

Welcome lily lovers! We're very excited to stay connected with you via our new blog! We will be posting periodically about our lovely flowers as well as about any upcoming competitions or trade fairs that we plan to enter. Feel free to stop back in and check up on what's new in our garden.

Happy growing!